Alex hosted Brainteaser, a live daily quiz show on Five where four studio contestants competed to win up to £3,000, for nearly 6 years.
“There must have been a few thousand people who I've met and tried to soothe before facing live terrestrial TV…”
“...the most common worry among contestants was the number of people they’d told that they’ll be appearing, even though quite often their original plan was to tell no-one in case they crash and burn.”
“I'd try to reassure them that it’s fairly rare for anyone to leave having scored nil points... but that made it even worse if they did!”
“My favourite answer was to a 5 letter word in the Crossword round 'What was the name of the Greek God charged with the responsibility of holding the world on his shoulders?' While not everyone would know that the answer is Atlas, our contestant said 'He-man'!!!!”